John's Rum Cake

1 - 1.5 cups crushed pecans
1 - 18.5 oz. box of yellow cake mix
1 - 3 oz. box instant vanilla pudding
4 eggs
Half cup of cold water
half cup of olive oil
Half cup Bacardi Select rum

Turn on your favorite Bob Marley (or other island music) cd.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
oil and flower your tube/cake pan.
coat the bottom of the pan with the crushed pecans.
Mix all other cake ingredients and pour over the pecans.
Sprinkle a little more rum over the mix in the pan.
Bake in the oven for one hour. Remove from the oven.
Flip the cake over onto another dish or tray.
Poke holes into the top of the cake with a fork or toothpick.
Spoon the glaze onto the cake. Allow some glaze to drip down the sides.
Continue glazing, letting the cake absorb the glaze, until all glaze is used.
Sprinkle the top of the cake with sugar.
Allow cake to sit for a while before eating.

Powdered Sugar
Mix equal parts vanilla & rum into the powdered sugar until you have an amount & consistency you desire. Tip: You will not need much liquid at all to get the consistency you want.