John's Wings!

Cooking method:
Boil wings until floating. Remove from water and allow to sit so water can drain. Place wings on a hot grill until skin is crispy. Remove from grill and dip in sauce of choice. Best part of this is that if you add a little salt, pepper and some onion to your water prior to boiling you have a pretty good stock to use for soup later on once you skim the floating bits and marrow off the top.

The Sauces:
Teri-Honey-Hot: In a sauce pan, melt 1 stick of butter. Add hot sauce amount of your choice. (Any kind work, I usually use Frank's or Texas Pete.) Allow this to reduce slightly. Remove from heat. Add in KC Masterpiece Honey-Teri sauce (
Teri-Hot: Same as before but instead of KC sauce add regular teriyaki before removing from heat and allow reduction.
Hot: Just don't add any Teri. I'm kind-of a wuss so I usually cut back on the hot sauce when doing it this way.